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Since computer terminology can often be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to understanding the world of personal computers,I've tried to make things a bit easier by defining new terms at the beginning of the chapter in they first appear

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Word Guide on Computer

 The ability to run programs designed for one machine on those made by other manufacturers. In the consumer market, IBM has set the standard that others compare themselves to. People generally assume that if something is described as being compatible, it is. This is not 100 percent true, however, because any fundamental variation in the way a computer’s keyboard, monitor, disk drive, or memory responds to a computer program can destroy compatibility. Potential buyers should check things out before accepting the term at face value. One good test of computer equipment that bills itself as “IBM compatible” is to see if it will run the Lotus 1-2-3 software package.                                                                                              
A collection of related information that can be stored
and retrieved by a computer. Examples might be an inventory list, or a collection of names on a mailing list.
 Also known as diskettes, or floppy disks. A plastic magnetic record used to store information. Standard diskettes are 8 inches in diameter; mini diskettes are 5 1/4 inches In diameter, and micro diskettes 3 1/2 inches. The term floppy comes from the thin and flexible nature of the disks’ construction.
Over the years, documentation has developed two equality important meanings: the explanatory comments a programmer uses to describe what a particular step in a program dot’s; and the instruction manuals that accompany a piece of hardware or software.
End User:
The ultimate recipient of computer services. Monochrome Display
Hard disk:
 A rigid disk used to store information. Hard disk can store far more information than floppy disks and can write and read information faster.
 The physical parts of a computer system as opposed to the program, or software.
Information Center:
A concept pioneered by IBM Canada and now fairly common in large corporations. An Information center helps end users develop their own applications. 
Kilobyte (K):
One thousand bytes of information (1024 to be exact). A byte can be thought of as one character, such as a letter (R), number (1), symbol (#), or simply a space.
 The large computer systems run by governments, corporations arid so forth.
 Synonym for cathode ray tube (CRT). A visual display that lets the system communicate with the user.
Term used by computer personnel to describe the place where they work (“I work in an IBM shop” or “We don’t FIGURE 1. Components making up a system arrangement. Courtesy of do it that way at this shop”). International Business Machines.
 Another name for programs. Spreadsheet: The computerized equivalent of an accountant’s worksheet, featuring a grid of columns and rows that enable the user to organize information in a standardized format.
 All of the various component parts that make up a computer including the keyboard, printer, central processing unit, monitor, and any added attachments (i.e., an external storage device, a modem for communicating over telephone lines, etc.). More descriptive information on what makes up a computer system and how it all works can he found in Chapter Two.

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