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Since computer terminology can often be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to understanding the world of personal computers,I've tried to make things a bit easier by defining new terms at the beginning of the chapter in they first appear

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Lack of knowledge

One big contributor to computer phobia is the fear of not knowing enough about computers. Many people are simply overwhelmed the first time they sit down at a system by the thought that they .ire going to have to learn everything about it.
As noted previously, one explanation for this may be found in the various. Opinions people have of what constitutes computer literacy and the levels of knowledge that might be necessary. Another is the widespread belief that to be truly effective requires either a technical education (such as math or engineering), or an ability to program. Colleges and universities that offer continuing education courses in programming and other computer-related skills are seeing increased enrollments as many workers return to the classroom to acquire such backgrounds. Part of what makes people uncomfortable with their level of knowledge is the huge amounts of reference material associated with most hardware and software. Manuals that run 300 to 500 pages tend to be more the rule than the exception, and can be very intimidating to those just beginning. A typical personal computer found in many businesses will probably be accompanied by:
1 Guide to Operations
1 Manual detailing the Disk Operating System
1 Guide to BASIC programming
1 Manual for each of the software packages running on that particular system

For a system supporting only one software package, this already totals four thick sets of reference manuals, and more will be added each time someone wants to do something new. Place all this material next to the machine and you will gain a quick understanding of why people feel uneasy. Most people don’t need to become programmers, nor do they need to understand the majority of what is contained in the reference manuals. For example, the manual that details the disk operating system contains information on how to use well over 80 different commands. An average user will probably never need more than four or five. Those returning to school to learn a programming language, solely because they believe it necessary to use a personal computer, will be disappointed to discover that they will probably never really need those skills. Hundreds of software packages already exist to do just about every kind of task imaginable, and many were designed to be used by people with absolutely no background in programming or computers in general. This isn’t to say that all this education is in vain, or that you can throw away the reference manuals. Computers, after all, do function in a highly logical manner, which they impose on those who use them. Knowledge of programming logic is certainly useful in understanding how computers process information, and the reference manuals can get users through just about any situation, once they know where to look. Unfortunately, a great many people find themselves with a with a system on their desk, five or six manuals stacked next to it, and no idea of where to begin to make sense of it. Left on their own, many quickly develop a sense of inadequacy that can sometimes border on panic. Training can very definitely make inroads on this particular brand of computer phobia by breaking the education process down into manageable units of information. For example:
Material from reference manuals can be extracted and condensed into brief summaries containing the most important facts or most frequently used options.
So-called cheat sheets, which provide a quick guide to functions and commands, can be put together for each software package.
Troubleshooting guides can be prepared to explain what to do when an error message is encountered, and who to contact if a problem can’t be resolved.
A one- or two-page overview describing what the primary reference manuals contain, and where to look for particular information, should accompany each system. Rather than teach entire software packages, some thought might be given to tailoring them to specific audiences. For example instead of teaching “How to use Lotus 1-2-3,” it might prove more valuable to offer a program on “Using Lotus 1-2-3 for Sales Analysis.”Provide a list of recommended readings, or copies of informative or helpful how-to articles.
There’s no getting around the fact that people are going to have to learn new things and develop new ways of thinking through problems as they begin using personal computers. How they go about that process, however, will often determine whether a personal computer ends up as a tool for productivity or an instrument that produces fear and frustration.

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Hello guys we are working very hard to help you to know computer basic and we are providing you the techniques which help you to know computer components to a high extend

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